Online Resources and Support for College Students with ADHD |

Dave Bratcher
Dave Bratcher serves as the President of The STAR Center, whose mission is to help any person with any disability realize their potential. This includes taking what some view as a liability and turning it into their greatest asset. The STAR Center was awarded the Non-Profit of the Year in 2008 and 2015. Additionally, The STAR Center was recognized nationally as one of the top 50 Best Non-Profits to Work For in 2017 and 2018.
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Whether entering trade school or earning your master’s, higher education poses a number of unique challenges. Students with ADHD face many of those same challenges, and sometimes even more. The purpose of this guide is to increase understanding of and awareness for college students with ADHD and provide resources and expert insight they can use to help them find success.

College can be a significant academic and personal challenge. Newfound independence, rigorous coursework, and expanding social experiences often create a unique opportunity for a person to truly grow and change. But when a disability is present, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), college learning and personal development can be that much harder.
Approximately 2% to 8% of college students self-report symptoms associated with ADHD, while experts estimate roughly 5% of college students have it. Despite the numbers, many students, parents, and school officials don’t know how to most effectively help students with ADHD. The purpose of this guide is to change that. We hope to help raise awareness of ADHD, its challenges for college students, and what can be done to make their college journeys more successful. We’ll also list resources for those looking for more information and guidance in reaching their full potential as college students.
ADHD and Higher Education
ADHD can affect the learning, health, and social development of anyone who has it, but it can be a unique problem for college students. Let’s take a look at how ADHD can impact college students in key performance and developmental areas.
One of ADHD’s hallmark features is reduced executive functioning. However, that happens to be one of the key mental traits imperative for college success. Academic performance can be one of the toughest areas for those with ADHD.
Organization is a type of executive function; this type of thinking is usually impaired by ADHD. Someone with ADHD might have trouble creating a schedule that balances school, work, and social activities. Some students may often forget to bring the right materials or textbook to class.
Getting Started
This requires creating a goal and having the discipline to work toward that goal. But someone with ADHD may be easily distracted from that goal. A student needs to begin creating an outline for a paper they need to write, but after turning on the laptop to start writing, they go on social media instead.
Staying on Task
One aspect of executive functioning includes inhibitory control. This means students with ADHD may have more difficulty ignoring distractions. A student might be focused on studying, then look away from their books and see some friends walk by. They decide to strike up a conversation instead of study.
Being Prepared
Being prepared requires the ability to plan ahead. This requires a working memory, which is the ability to apply prior learned information. A student forgets to bring safety goggles to lab class because they have trouble turning the professor’s reminder from the prior class into the act of writing a reminder note.
Social Development
Even though academics is the first area that students might worry about due their ADHD, the condition can have a dramatic effect on their social lives.
Regulating Emotions
A college student with ADHD may have difficulty with impulse control. If upset during a social event, someone with ADHD might be more likely to overreact or say something they will regret later.
Making Friends
With ADHD, a college student could have trouble listening and remembering someone’s name, showing restraint with respect to inappropriate comments or actions, or staying focused when uninterested in a discussion. It’s possible for someone with ADHD to act bored or blow off a potential friend because they’d rather do something else that catches their attention at the moment.
Listening to others involves the ability to focus on someone else and avoid mental and environmental distractions. ADHD affects both focus and memory. For example, it may be easy to miss it when someone introduces themselves with their name or where they are from.
Living among other students
ADHD can result in reduced impulse control and the ability to hear and observe both overt and subtle forms of communication. Someone with ADHD might try to micromanage others to live a certain way and not realize how roommates are perceiving such behavior.
College students can expect ADHD to affect them in physical ways, too. Depending on the student, this may manifest in several ways.
Physical activity
For the most part, ADHD by itself will not significantly affect someone’s ability to engage in physical activities. However, physical activity may serve as a natural way to help the brain with attention challenges. In addition to staying fit and healthy, a college student who exercises more may find themselves with reduced symptoms.
Some individuals may take medications to help them deal with ADHD symptoms. ADHD might require a college student to take stimulant medication such as Dexedrine or Adderall. These can have side effects including loss of appetite and trouble sleeping.
ADHD can sometimes increase the risk of sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, and throw off the timing of the body’s circadian rhythm. Individuals with ADHD may experience trouble staying asleep, not feeling rested despite getting enough sleep, and have trouble going to bed or waking up on a regular schedule.
Have ADHD? How to Make College Work for You
Now that we know how ADHD can affect you as a college student, let’s take a look at what you can do to overcome these challenges. You might be surprised by how many of these you can implement right now.
Every student has a preference as to study habits. For someone with ADHD, finding the right learning environment is more important. Consider these ideas.
- Find a consistent place to study with no distractions Not only will the lack of distractions make focusing easier, but having a consistent location will help your brain get in the “time to study” mindset.
- Sit in the front of the class This is especially true if you take notes on a laptop. Knowing everyone behind you can see your screen will reduce the temptation to go off-track to a website unrelated to the class topic.
- Find the right class length Some classes may last less than an hour. Others are two or more hours. If trouble concentrating in a single classroom or on a particular topic past a certain length of time is extra difficult, try to choose classes that do not go over this personal “focus time limit.”
Managing Your Workload
Succeeding in college includes effectively juggling your academic responsibilities with your work or personal obligations. Consider the following to make sure you get everything done.
- Spread out your classes To help reduce the chances of bottlenecks, try to avoid takin too many classes on a particular day of the week. Though it might be nice to have no classes on a Friday, this can lead to school work overload toward the end of the semester.
- Ask for academic accommodations Depending on your situation and diagnosis, you may be eligible to have special accommodations when taking tests, such as having additional time.
- Study part-time You want to finish your schooling as quickly as possible, but you also want to make sure you learn as much as you can. To accommodate the latter goal, it might be necessary to take a lighter course load each term to make sure you give each class the attention it requires.
Study Skills
Getting the best grades is not just about studying more, but doing so more efficiently and effectively. Here are some tips to do just that.
- Keep your study session busy Add something new to how you study. Perhaps using a different colored highlighter for certain topics will help, or standing while you read. If you learn better by listening, see if you can get your class lecture or textbook in audio form. Listen to it while you clean your room, work, walk to class, or exercise.
- Use a study buddy Having someone to hold you accountable can make you study with fewer distractions. Just make sure they help you focus on studying and don’t serve as a distraction themselves.
- Create a study schedule Procrastination is so tempting. Having a schedule will not only keep you accountable to yourself, but help you better manage your time and other responsibilities.
- Limit your study time Yes, this sounds counterintuitive, but this will help avoid the temptation to cram at the last minute. It also helps reduce burnout and increases attention by preventing study sessions from going too long.
Some of the most fun comes from the social aspects of college life. Have as much enjoyment as possible while still maintaining your academics.
- Visit your school’s accommodations office Making an appointment to talk with a school official about your accommodations is necessary for academics, but it can also help socially. A school representative may give some advice on how to make the most of social events.
- Tell your roommate and friends It can make a world of difference in that they may be far more patient with your struggles. They might also be able to help you implement some of your strategies for managing your ADHD.
- Join a support group If your school is large enough, it might have a support group just for those with ADHD. But even if they don’t, there’s probably one for students struggling with some form of mental health issue or disability.
Don’t forget to take care of yourself. Here are some things to keep in mind for your self-care.
- Take your medications You might feel fine if you miss a dose or two. But that doesn’t mean you no longer need to take them. If you feel self-conscious about having to take them, remember that the consequences of not taking them are far worse.
- Treat yourself If you get a great grade on a test or persevered through a particularly difficult paper or professor, don’t hesitate to reward yourself. This will help motivate you the next time you struggle with a particular assignment.
- Stay healthy College is a stressful time. Find ways to relieve that stress and avoid things that can increase it. Getting enough sleep, working out, and eating right will make taking on college and your ADHD a lot easier.
Online Classes
Online college coursework can sometimes present challenges that traditional classes do not have. For example, structure is very important to those with ADHD. Having to physically attend a class adds structure to the day, which can make dealing it easier to stay organized on task. Another potential issue with online classes is that it may make it harder to get extra guidance from the class professor or fellow classmates.
To do well in an online class, there are a few strategies ADHD college students can try. First, because many students with ADHD learn better from reading as opposed to just listening, try to get the class materials and instructions in written form. Even if a professor provides instructions about an assignment during a video or audio lecture, see if it’s possible to get the instructions in written form as well. If that’s not possible, see if you can find a classmate to let you borrow notes.
Second, create as much structure in the day as possible. Whether it’s setting a time to wake up, eat, or exercise, having added structure can make keeping up with coursework easier.
Finally, speak with your professor and school’s student disability official. Explain your situation and any challenges and accommodations you think you might need. It’s best to ask for an accommodation at the start of the term as opposed to the middle or end.
The Rights of College Students With ADHD
ADHD is a legally recognized disability. This means if you have an ADHD diagnosis, you are entitled to special accommodations and assistance while in school. Let’s look at your rights.
Learning Rights of Students in Postsecondary Schools
When it comes to your legal rights as an ADHD student, there are two primary laws at play, both at the federal levels. There may be other laws, including those at the state level, but those only apply to schools in the applicable state.
- Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and 2008 amendments The ADA and its amendments apply in a variety of contexts, including public accommodations, employment, and education. This means most public and private post-secondary institutions are prohibited from discriminating against students on the basis of a legally recognized disability, such as ADHD. This applies for the admissions process, too. For the most part, the ADA will allow all students equal access to school programs, activities, and services. This includes providing reasonable accommodations to disabled students.
- Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (specifically section 504) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is very similar to the ADA in that it also prohibits discrimination on the basis of a disability. However, its mandates are largely limited to places that receive federal funding; this includes the vast majority of colleges and universities in the United States. Just like with the ADA, Section 504 mandates that covered schools not only make their programs available to qualified students with disabilities, but provide reasonable accommodations.
How to Advocate for Your Rights and Ask for Help
Navigating the legal landscape as a college student with ADHD isn’t simple. The following section will briefly provide an overview of how you can advocate for yourself to obtain the accommodations and protections required by the law.
Where to go for help at school
Many schools will have an office or department dedicated to making sure students are not discriminated against and receive reasonable accommodations. Smaller schools may not have a campus support or disability services department, but there will be at least an individual who serves as the ADA or Section 504 coordinator or representative.
What to ask for
Because each school will have its own procedures for identifying and accommodating students with disabilities, you’ll need to ask them what they need from you so that you may get the accommodations and assistance you need. You’ll also want to list what accommodations you anticipate needing when in school.
How to ask
When asking for an accommodation or special assistance, be prepared to provide plenty of documentation. Exactly what you need to provide will depend on your school, but you should expect to provide the following:
- The types of accommodations you received in high school.
- Documents that show the existence of a “functional impairment” that necessitates a reasonable accommodation.
- Testing results (usually within the last three years) from a qualified medical or mental health professional that supports your ADHD diagnosis.
When to make contact
The best time to talk to someone will be after you’ve been accepted to the school, but well before classes begin. It will take time for you to get the necessary information and documentation the school requires from you to substantiate and accommodate your disability. Then the school may need time to process your documentation and make arrangements for them.
ADHD Learning Tips and Insight from an Expert
Dave Bratcher serves as the President of The STAR Center, whose mission is to help any person with any disability realize their potential. This includes taking what some view as a liability and turning it into their greatest asset. The STAR Center was awarded the Non-Profit of the Year in 2008 and 2015. Additionally, The STAR Center was recognized nationally as one of the top 50 Best Non-Profits to Work For in 2017 and 2018.
Eric Endlich, Ph.D. founder of Top College Consultants, helps students worldwide transition to college. He is on the Learning Differences/Neurodiversity Committee of the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA), and recently co-authored an article for IECA Insights on counseling young women with ADHD. A clinical psychologist and special needs parent himself, Dr. Endlich understands the challenges families face and knows how to guide them successfully through the college admissions process.
Q. What can aspiring college students start doing right now, well before their first day of higher education, to prepare for the academic challenges ahead?
Bratcher: Parents/Guardians: During the summer before the student’s freshman year is a great time to begin getting documents pulled together. This could include a copy of the child’s IEP, a statement from a medical professional, and/or a copy of the 504. Every college/university is different, but some/all of these items are likely going to be needed. Also, begin researching assistive technology options, which could make the transition process easier. One example of this is the LiveScribe pen. It works like a traditional pen, while recording the audio. This audio can be played back in sync with where the student was writing the words on their paper.
Students: Remember, you are an adult now. The advocacy your parents/guardians provided on your behalf through K-12 is now YOUR responsibility. Begin researching the resources available at the college/university of your choice. Look for disability services offices and the staff members in each. It would be helpful to call and speak with them to simply introduce yourself. They will be able to provide specific information about what will be needed.
Endlich: It’s important for high school students to begin developing their college readiness, which includes organizational and time management skills. College usually involves fewer hours spent in class and more hours of homework, so students need to be able to manage their own time well. Those with ADHD are sometimes prone to disorganization and procrastination; therefore, developing an effective study system is critical. Study skills coaches or tutors can help with this process in high school as well as college. If students are still struggling with these issues towards the end of high school, they can consider taking a gap year and attending a college readiness program.
Q. Let’s talk about online education, which can pose an even greater challenge for those with ADHD. What can students do to help ensure success during their online experience?
Bratcher: For those not familiar with online education, this can be a challenge for EVERYONE. As someone who received my MBA in an online format, I know the challenges. With traditional class schedules, you simply show up when the professor tells you to. In an online environment, this is not always the case. The first recommendation would be to understand completely the delivery method of content. This includes the requirements to attend at specific times, weekly assignment deadlines, and required participation in chat/forum activities. Once these are determined, you should create a schedule for yourself and stick to it. For most students with ADHD, shorter amounts of time work best. I would complete my schedule accordingly.
Endlich: Students have a variety of reactions to online education. Some find it difficult because of the lack of accountability: there’s no one “looking over their shoulder.” However, sometimes remote learning works to their advantage. For example, if they know what time of day they are best able to focus, they can schedule your most challenging tasks–writing a paper, reviewing for a test–at those times. If they get distracted during part of a lecture, they can replay it. It’s often helpful for students to schedule one-on-one time with teachers, when possible, for extra assistance. And of course, students should minimize distractions, especially from electronic devices, during study. That being said, some students with ADHD report that they concentrate better if they listen to background music while studying!
Q. What’s your best advice for students who are looking for college accommodations?
Bratcher: Accommodations are not the same as modifications. For example, a student would not be allowed to bring a list of all the formulas (modification) in for a math test. A student would likely be allowed to have more time to complete a test (accommodation). Almost all colleges/universities have a disability services office. This is where the accommodations questions will originate. REMEMBER – Colleges/universities do not have the same requirements as the local school system. Because of this, accommodations must be requested, as they will not be extended automatically. Reach out to the disability services office and ask them what they will need to justify the accommodations requested. Additionally, many will not be following up with students to ensure these allowable accommodations are being used. The responsibility is on the student, not the university.
Endlich: Students who have accommodations for special needs in high school should be advised that their education plans don’t automatically “transfer” in college. The laws and procedures are different, and students will need to learn how to advocate for themselves in college. They should talk with their high school team of professionals and find out what accommodations they are likely to need in the future. I advise them to make the student disability center part of their campus tour. (If it’s a virtual tour, they can schedule a virtual meeting with the director of the center.) This is an opportunity to learn what accommodations the college offers and what documentation they will need. In many cases, a college requires a neuropsychological evaluation that has been completed within the past three years. As soon as they enroll in college, I encourage them to reconnect with accessibility services, set up a meeting and develop an accommodations plan. Students who are unsure whether they’ll actually need to use a particular accommodation (say, extra time on tests) should still formally request it just in case. They need to be prepared to speak with each professor individually about their accommodations as well.
Q. Anything else you’d like to add about college success with ADHD?
Bratcher: ADHD does not define who a person is any more than what color hair they have. Many students with ADHD receive their college diploma each year, and there is no reason you cannot be added to that list. Will it be more difficult for you than for someone without ADHD? Yes. Will it be worth it? Absolutely yes!
Endlich: ADHD is sometimes described as a disability, but it can also be seen as a difference that is actually beneficial under the right circumstances. Individuals with ADHD can be highly successful in college and in many different careers. If they need to continue therapy or medication while in college, that can easily be arranged. If they do better with a hands-on type of learning vs. sitting in a classroom, a number of majors and colleges are well suited to this approach. If they need an academic coach or study skills workshops to help them complete assignments, many colleges offer these services. I love helping students find programs and colleges where they can thrive!
Resources and Tools for Students With ADHD
To learn more about making the most of college, check out the following resources. These resources will provide a host of information, both online and in your local community or around your school.
School Resources
Schools offer some of the best resources for students who need additional help or guidance. The following list of academic resources will be school specific, but your school will probably have a similar program or organization.
Illinois College – Campus Writing Center
Students looking for additional guidance for their writing will appreciate the instruction from special student and faculty consultants.
University of California, Davis – Student Disability Center
The Student Disability Center works with students with functional limitations to help them obtain the accommodations they need to complete necessary coursework requirements.
University of Florida – Tutoring Services
Available to all students, these free one-on-one and small group sessions provide extra help on almost any academic subject from specially trained tutors.
University of Nevada, Reno – Counseling Services
Group therapy, individual counseling, psychological testing, and urgent care services are all available from Counseling Services. There is also a self-help section that has information for students with ADHD.
Informational Resources
An online magazine with information about ADHD, from testing to resources for adults to discussion forums.
An advocacy organization that aims to promote the interests of those with developmental and intellectual disabilities.
Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD)
While AHEAD exists primarily to help professionals who work with disabled students, anyone can use its website to learn more about issues that higher education institutions must deal with to accommodate students with ADHD or other disabilities.
Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA)
Whether you want to learn more about ADHD, get support, fund research, or advocate in Congress, the ADDA’s website is the place to visit.
Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)
This organization is made up of volunteers that work to give encouragement, instruction, and support to those living with ADHD.
Disability Rights, Education, Activism, and Mentoring (DREAM)
In furtherance of its mission to help college and graduate students with disabilities, DREAM facilitates on-campus organizations and chapters, as well as numerous other support resources.
LD OnLine’s mission is to provide as much helpful information as possible to children and adults with a learning disability.
Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA)
The LDA is one of the leading organizations that uses education, advocacy, and resource assistance to help anyone affected by a learning disability.
National Center for College Students with Disabilities (NCCSD)
This organization works on behalf of graduate and college students who have any type of chronic or mental health condition, as well as any type of disability.
This website provides a wide-range of resources for making the most of ADD and ADHD. Information is tailored for both children and adults.
This online resource is best suited for those who might not have an ADHD diagnosis, but are trying to learn about ADHD and what it means for them.
Understood is a great website that helps explain how and why people learn differently and may experience learning difficulties.
Available as an app or through its website, this tool helps users identify ways to fix and improve their writing.
Available for free, this app helps improve cognition and makes it easier to figure out how your mind operates.
This free app allows users to better cultivate and carry out desired habits and changes in daily behavior.
Best known for its free flashcard tool, Quizlet also allows students to make use of other study tools, such as games and diagrams.