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Spotlight on Healthcare Education: Learning News & Trends

Earning Your Dual Degree in Healthcare

Earning a dual in healthcare can open the doors to new opportunities and advanced positions in the field but knowing which pairings will best set you up for success can become confusing. Find out which degree combinations exist, learn which careers they can prepare you for, and discover which dual degree best serve your future goals.

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The 10 Most Innovative Schools in Healthcare

From the polio vaccine to laser eye surgery, innovations in healthcare impact all of us in one way or another throughout our lives. Learn about the newest and most exciting innovations in healthcare and find which schools are at the forefront of incorporating new technologies into their curriculums.

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The Increasing Demand for Nurses

An aging population coupled with increased life expectancy and not enough new nurses entering the workforce means the need for nurses is greater than ever before. Discover how you can benefit from the nursing shortage by enrolling in an education program and find out how programs are working with students to make school convenient and flexible.

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